Post-course survey

5th National Congress of the Hellenic Hernia Society – Pre-Congress Course POST

Dear colleagues, thank you for your presence at the course in Athens, organized by Dr. Alexios Theodorou, for the HHS and Dr. Mário Rui Gonçalves and Dr. Ricardo Marinho for Firstouch academy!

We hope it has been a great experience as it was for our Team!

We would like to evaluate the course so we ask you to answer this brief survey about the course, the methods and the materials.

Thank you so much for your collaboration!

I felt confident with the faculty team…(Obrigatório)
I felt confident with the methods used in the course…(Obrigatório)
I feel that the basic exercises (balls, cubes, etc) were important to learn "basic laparoscopic gestures" in the Training box…(Obrigatório)
I feel that performing the basic exercises (balls, cubes, etc) helped me to learn and perform "laparoscopic suture"…(Obrigatório)
I think that the method presented by the Team for learning laparoscopic suture was adequate…(Obrigatório)
It is important to have a structured sequence to learn lap suture… (Grab the needle > pass the needle > do the C > do the D > do the knot, …)(Obrigatório)
I feel that the explanations, the Sequence and the Double smile technique, helped me learning and performing laparoscopic suture…(Obrigatório)
I feel that I learned laparoscopic suture…(Obrigatório)

Please tell us your opinion on the models used.

Globally, what do you think about the INGUINAL model?(Obrigatório)
Globally, what do you think about the VENTRAL model?(Obrigatório)
INGUINAL – I think this model is a good simulation of the internal inguinal region.(Obrigatório)
VENTRAL – I think this model is a good simulation of the anterior abdominal wall(Obrigatório)
I feel I was simulating the real procedure (INGUINAL TAPP) on the model…(Obrigatório)
I feel I was simulating the real procedure (VENTRAL IPOM PLUS) on the model…(Obrigatório)

Please tell us your opinion about the course.

What do you think about the course?(Obrigatório)
Did the course achieve your expectations?(Obrigatório)
I think this course will have a good impact in my daily practice…(Obrigatório)
I would attend the course again…(Obrigatório)
I would recommend the course to my colleagues…(Obrigatório)

Finally, tell us about the Training4all project!

What do you think about the training box for this kind of training and simulation?(Obrigatório)
Would you like us to do an online follow-up within one month from the course?(Obrigatório)
Now that you know what the Training4ll PROJECT is, what do you think about its concept, mission and vision?(Obrigatório)
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